
List of publications

Scientific publications Biology:

List of articles in peer reviewed scientific journals

Kurtz, R.; Beckers, U.; Hundsdörfer, B. and Egelhaaf, M.: Mechanisms of after-hyperpolarization following activation of fly visual motion-sensitive neurons. European Journal of Neuroscience, September 2009; Vol. 30: 567 - 577.
Abstract and article link
DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2009.06854.x --- Cited at least by these 4 This publication has been cited at least by:
R de Haan, YJ Lee, K Nordström (2012): Octopaminergic modulation of contrast sensitivity. Front Integr Neurosci. 2012;6:55.

D Rien, R Kern, R Kurtz (2012): Octopaminergic modulation of contrast gain adaptation in fly visual motion-sensitive neurons. European J of Neurosci, 36: 3030-3039.

R Kurtz (2012): Adaptive encoding of motion information in the fly visual system. Frontiers in Sensing 2012: 115-128

P Liang, R Kern, R Kurtz (2011): Impact of visual motion adaptation on neural responses to objects and its dependence on the temporal characteristics of optic flow. JN Physiol 105(4):1825-1834

Beckers, U.; Egelhaaf, M. and Kurtz, R.: Precise timing in fly motion vision is mediated by fast components of combined graded and spike signals. Neuroscience, May 2009; Vol. 160 Issue 3: 639-650.
Abstract and article link
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2009.02.045 --- Cited at least by these 8 This publication has been cited at least by:
SRH Fahoum, DM Blitz(2024): Neuropeptide modulation of bidirectional internetwork synapses. J Neurophysiol. 2024 Jul 1;132(1):184-205 DOI: 10.1152/jn.00149.2024

M Mertes, L Dittmar, M Egelhaaf, N Boeddeker (2014): Visual motion-sensitive neurons in the bumblebee brain convey information about landmarks during a navigational task. Front Behav Neurosci. 2014; 8: 335.

T Baden, T Euler, M Weckström, L Lagnado (2013): Spikes and ribbon synapses in early vision Trends in neurosciences - DOI: 10.1016/j.tins.2013.04.006

DC O'Carroll, PD Barnett, K Nordström (2012): Temporal and spatial adaptation of transient responses to local features Frontiers in neural circuits, 2012; 6: 74.

D Rien, R Kern, R Kurtz(2011): Synaptic transmission of graded membrane potential changes and spikes between identified visual interneurons. European J of Neurosci, 34(5):705-716

K Nordström, I Moyer de Miguel, DC O'Carroll (2011): Rapid contrast gain reduction following motion adaptation. J Exp Biol 214, 4000-400

M Egelhaaf (2009): Insect motion vision. Scholarpedia, 4(11):1671

R Kurtz (2013: Spatiotemporal Processing of Dynamic Visual Information in the Insect Neural System. 2013

Beckers, U.; Egelhaaf, M. and Kurtz, R.: Synapses in the Fly Motion-Vision Pathway: Evidence for a Broad Range of Signal Amplitudes and Dynamics. Journal of Neurophysiology, March 2007; Vol. 97: 2032 - 2041
This article is freely available for download: Abstract and article link.
DOI: 10.1152/jn.01116.2006 --- Cited at least by these 13 This publication has been cited at least by:
M Mertes, L Dittmar, M Egelhaaf, N Boeddeker (2014):Visual motion-sensitive neurons in the bumblebee brain convey information about landmarks during a navigational task. Front Behav Neurosci. 2014; 8: 335.

J Haag, A Borst (2008): Electrical coupling of lobula plate tangential cells to a heterolateral motion-sensitive neuron in the fly. J Neurosci 28(53): 14435-14442;

M Egelhaaf (2008): Fly vision: Neural mechanisms of motion computation. Current Biology 18(8) 339-341

K Nordström, DC O'Carroll (2009): The motion after-effect: local and global contributions to contrast sensitivity. Proc. R. Soc. B 276 (1662) 1545-1554

M Egelhaaf (2009): Insect motion vision Scholarpedia, 4(11):1671

D Rien, R Kern, R Kurtz (2011): Synaptic transmission of graded membrane potential changes and spikes between identified visual interneurons. European J of Neurosci, 34(5):705-716

J Kalb, M Egelhaaf, R Kurtz (2008): Adaptation of velocity encoding in synaptically coupled neurons in the fly visual system. J Neurosci 28(37): 9183-9193

J Kalb, M Egelhaaf, R Kurtz (2008): Adaptation changes directional sensitivity in a visual motion-sensitive neuron of the fly. Vision Research 48(16):1735-1742

K Nordström, I Moyer de Miguel, DC O'Carroll (2011): Rapid contrast gain reduction following motion adaptation. J Exp Biol 214, 4000-400

U Beckers, M Egelhaaf, R Kurtz (2009): Precise timing in fly motion vision is mediated by fast components of combined graded and spike signals. Neuroscience 160(3):639-650.

D Rien, R Kern, R Kurtz (2012): Octopaminergic modulation of contrast gain adaptation in fly visual motion-sensitive neurons. European J of Neurosci, 36: 3030-3039.

R Rosner, AK Warzecha (2011): Relating neuronal to behavioral performance: variability of optomotor responses in the blowfly. PLoS ONE 6(10): e26886. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026886

R Kurtz (2013: Spatiotemporal Processing of Dynamic Visual Information in the Insect Neural System. 2013

List of posters and presentations at scientific meetings

Beckers, U.; Egelhaaf, M. and Kurtz, R.: Impact of presynaptic voltage transients on postsynaptic spike timing at a graded synapse in the fly motion vision system. From the 8th meeting of the Neurowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Göttingen 2009.
pdf version is available here

Beckers, U.; Egelhaaf, M. and Kurtz, R.: Dynamics of synaptic signaling from graded potential neurons to a spiking neuron in the fly motion-vision pathway. From the 7th meeting of the Neurowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Göttingen 2007.
pdf version is available here

Kurtz, R; Beckers, U.; Hundsdörfer, B; Spalthoff, Ch. and Egelhaaf, M.:Activity-dependent adaptation in fly visual motion-sensitive neurons. From the 7th meeting of the Neurowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Göttingen 2007.
jpg version is available here (high quality pdf upon request)

Beckers, U.; Egelhaaf, M. and Kurtz, R.: Investigation of synaptic signal transfer from graded potential presynaptic neurons to a spiking neuron in the fly visual pathway. From the 5th FENS forum, Vienna 2006
pdf available here. This pdf is optimized for on screen reading, a pdf in higher quality is available on request.

Beckers, U.: Investigation of synaptic signal transfer from graded potential presynaptic neurons to a spiking neuron in the fly visual pathway.
Talk at the 17th Neuro-DoWo, Berlin 2006

Kalb, J.; Beckers, U.; Egelhaaf, M. and Kurtz, R.: Characterization of synaptic transmission in the visual pathway of the blow fly using dual cell recording and laser ablation techniques. From the 6th meeting of the Neurowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Göttingen 2005.
pdf version is available here

Beckers, U.: Investigation of synaptic transfer in vivo by using dual recordings and voltage clamp techniques.
Talk at the 15th Neuro-DoWo, Marburg 2004

List of university publications

Beckers, U. (2009): Charakterisierung der Dynamik synaptischer Übertragung und aktivitätsabhängiger Verarbeitung visueller Bewegungsinformation im Gehirn der Fliege. Dissertation, Universität Bielefeld (parts in German or English).
Full pdf available (five parts): part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5.
There is also a brief German summary available here.

Beckers, U. (2002): Die Kontrolle sechsbeinigen Laufens: Erweiterung des Simulationssystems Walknet zur quantitativen Beschreibung verschiedener biologischer Experimente. Diploma thesis, Universität Bielefeld (German)
pdf available here --- Cited by at least this This publication has been cited at least by:
M Schilling, H Cruse, P Arena (2007): Hexapod Walking: an expansion to Walknet dealing with leg amputations and force oscillations. Biol Cybern 96:323-340
There is also a brief German summary available here. See also the files section.

Beckers, U. and Pachten, A. (2000): Vergleichende Vitalitästeststudien in Zellsuspensionskulturen der Kichererbse (Cicer arietinum L.) -- Etablierung eines photometrischen Vitalitätstest für Zellsuspensionskulturen der Kichererbse (Cicer arietinum L.). Universität Münster available upon request

Publications about computers and electronics:

Beckers, U.; Blachford, N. (2002-2013): MorphOS im Detail
latest pdf version (V2.6) from 2013 is available here

Chara, G.; Beckers, U. (2005-2006): Das Pegasosbuch (German edition)
latest pdf version is available here

Beckers, U.(2004-2005): A Close Glimpse To MorphOS - Part 1
a re-release is available here

last change: 07-02-2025 -- © Dr. U. Beckers

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